My children's (government) school has been sneaking in some religious stuff- rciting the creed (prayer) at assembly and recently employing a chaplain.
So even though I am busy with other problems in my life at the moment (legal, housing, unemploymeny, financial, depression) i have found myself looking into this one because I feel I have some sort of control here.
So I read blogs and articles and I watch videos and talk to people, friends nd otherwise, and I have come to the conclusion that religion is like smoking.
Too many people use the excuse "But what harm does church do? They give people hope and community, and they don't hurt anyone."
Well, one cigarette is inlikely to do anyone major harm either. But it has an inbuilt device (nicotine) to make sure you don't stop at one. I liken this to the 'love-bombing' of new members of a church. Sucking you in.
And more annoying is that we know smoking kills people, and yet people take up smoking everyday, STILL.
We have seen the wars, family breakups and hatred religion causes, but we still allow it. At least we TAX cigarettes.
Smokers claim to get a high when they light up, and its been medically proven that smoking is pleasurable, in the short term. And quitting is a nightmare! we KNOW it is harmful not only to the smokers health, but the people around them also.
Laws have been written saying you cant smoke inside restaurants, public buildings, public transport, even private cars being used to transport children, but we still allow the cancer calld religion. Because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
I don't like people smoking around my children and I don't like people preaching around my children. You wouldn't put up with people smoking around your children, don't allow the preaching either, it's just as toxic.
Hello world!
2 years ago
sorry for spelling and grammatical errors. and generally bad writing. I am tired.
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